Licensed plumbers are required to maintain current knowledge of the plumbing code and to keep their tools and equipment in good working order. In addition, plumbers must be familiar with local building codes and regulations. The Board of Plumber Examiners reviews and approves or denies license applications, issues certificates of registration and conducts examinations for Apprentice, Journeyman and Master Plumbers. Applicants who successfully pass the exams are awarded their respective licenses and are considered to be fully qualified in the plumbing trade. The licenses issued by the Board of Plumber Examiners are not transferable and may not be used by anyone other than the person to whom it is granted. It is a violation of this article for any person to lend or permit his license or the use of his name to be used by another, either for the purpose of obtaining permits or for performing work or doing business under such license.
The Board of Plumber Examiners consists of five members appointed by the City Council and serving at the pleasure of the council. Two of the members shall be licensed master plumbers plumber lancaster, two of the members shall be licensed journeyman plumbers and one member shall be a representative from the public at large who is not a professional plumber. The Board may hold hearings and meetings as needed and may appoint a secretary to assist with the administration of the Board’s duties.
All applicants for a license as a journeyman plumber must satisfactorily complete a four-year apprenticeship program or have completed a course of study from a vocational-technical school, accredited technical school or school operated by a recognized union of plumbers. The applicant shall also pass a written examination administered by the Board of Plumber Examiners or present proof of successful completion of an examination given by another governmental agency that is of a comparable scope and character as the examination administered by the Board of Plumber Examiners.
Keeping your home’s plumbing in proper working order is essential to prevent costly repairs and maintenance. From drain cleaning to appliance installation and repair, Haller’s skilled plumbing technicians are here to help you keep your home running smoothly and safely.